Reasons To Stick Around

a somewhat weekly newsletter about why you should still be here

Hey there, my name is Ryan and lately I haven’t been doing so great.

For as long as I can remember I have had issues with my mental health; depression, social anxiety disorder, body image issues, et cetera. Sometimes its not that bad and sometimes it gets exacerbated by the circumstances of just being a person. For the past couple of years however, I have been having a lot more of what my wife and I have come to call Bad Brain Days. These are those days where the depression spirals into some considerably darker and it just doesn’t feel like you’re going to find a way out of it. Maybe some days it’s manageable but then other days it is very much not so, which led me this year to a summer filled with a lot more Bad Days than good ones.

It’s a new season and I want to make a change, this is a part of it: I’m calling it Reasons To Stick Around, a weekly newsletter about why you should still be here.

I’ve noticed that some of my thoughts, when they’re pretty scary and when I’m having trouble with putting my life into perspective, can be managed if I just give myself a list of things. I’ve started to call list that my Reasons To Stick Around. Sometimes it’s something pretty big, like taking a step back outside myself to see what I am in the larger picture with a fresh set of eyes. Sometimes that reason might be something as small as a thing I just got that I’m interested in. You never really know what that little push is that can make the week bareable enough to survive it, but hopefully I can keep finding them and maybe find ones that will resonate with other people too.

As you can tell this may be a somewhat long winded newsletter at times, hopefully my writing style is interesting enough to keep you coming back. Because maybe the whole point of being here is to do the most good for other people that you can, and maybe this is a good place to start. So far, that’s a pretty good reason to stick around.

Subscribe to Reasons To Stick Around

a somewhat weekly newsletter about why you should still be here


i write Reasons To Stick Around